Anika Angriman
Title: A Proposed Organizational Model to Increase Women Coaches in Elite Alpine Skiing: Learning from the U.S. Cross-Country Initiative
Advisor: Dr. Lynda Ransdell
Committee Members: Dr. Shelley Lucas and Dr. Nicole LaVoi
Details: February 26th, 4pm (MST); Online, Zoom Meeting (join here)
Thomas Keay
Title: Exploration of Barriers and Challenges for Incoming Student-Athletes to Strength and Conditioning Training
Advisor: Dr. Eric Martin
Committee Members: Dr. Siduri Haslerig and Dr. Lynda Ransdell
Details: February 3rd, 2025
Jet Taylor
Title: Late-life depression through a neural lens: An investigation of the interplay between depression symptoms, reward processing, and physical activity in older adults.
Advisor: Dr. Mariane Bacelar
Committee Members: Dr. CJ Brush and Dr. Lynda Ransdell
Details: Dec. 12, 2024, 10:30am
Ayla Gabel
Title: Comparison of Eccentric Strength Among Young, Middle-aged, and Older Adults
Advisor: Dr. Shawn Simonson
Committee Members: Dr. Tim Kempf and Dr. Tyler Johnson
Details: November 10th, 2:30pm BroncoGym 219