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COBRE in Matrix Biology Bibliometric Network

VOSviewer COBRE in Matrix Biology Map

This VOSviewer static image was constructed using information collected from Pubmed with P20 GM109095 as the search query. 200 manuscripts with 664 authors are included in the data set with a date range between 2014 – October 2022. For an interactive experience, please visit the VOSviewer COBRE in Matrix Biology Network interactive map.

VOSviewer interactive map instructions

Hover over a node (circle) to get individual names and to see co-author connections. Click on a node to lock-on to a specific individual. When hovering or locking-on to a node, you will see edges (links between nodes) of co-authors by individual. Please note that only 1,000 of the 3,917 total links are displayed in this image for a better viewing experience and therefore not all links per individual will be displayed. You can see network stats and individual stats (when hovering or locking-on to a node) on the bottom left of the image. Colors indicate clusters or communities of individuals with similar attributes; this map’s main attribute is links and there are a total of 39 clusters. Individuals are assigned a cluster through the VOSviewer program algorithm.

For more information regarding VOSviewer, please see the VOSviewer website and/or download the VOSviewer Documentation Manual (PDF).

VOSviewer COBRE in Matrix Biology Map

screenshot of VOSviewer
VOSviewer representation of COBRE in Matrix Biology bibliometric data. Data collect between 2014 – October 2022. This date represents 200 papers, 664 authors and 3917 links. An interactive version of this network map can be found at

COBRE in Matrix Biology Citations for Above Data Sets

QR Code for a Mobile Interactive VOSviewer Experience

Scan this QR Code for a link that can be used on mobile devices.

Note: Once the link is pulled up on your device, you can manipulate the data using the provided arrow on the screen.