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Interdisciplinary Studies


Interdisciplinary Studies Admissions

The admissions process for the Interdisciplinary Studies program at Boise State is a multi-step process.


Step 1

To get started in the IDS program, contact our program advisor. Meeting with an advisor is critical as you make your educational plans. It gives you an opportunity to articulate your educational goals, your motivation for applying to the IDS program and your thoughts about the areas of study you want to pursue and which courses that could fulfill your needs. The following section is a good place to start when preparing for a meeting.

Contact our advisor

Is IDS a good fit for you?

Consider your educational goals. The IDS program is an alternative to existing, discipline specific degree programs at Boise State University. You may pursue an IDS degree if there is currently no existing degree plan or combination of major and minor that will fulfill your educational and career goals.

Consider carefully what you want to achieve in your undergraduate education. These are the kinds of questions that we encourage you to define and articulate:

  • Is it preparation for professional training?
  • Are you interested in a field that is still developing and crosses between disciplines?
  • What disciplines (existing programs in the catalog) might apply to you most directly, and specifically which courses are you interested in?

Step 2

Once you have decided that IDS is the right path for you, you will declare the major of Interdisciplinary Studies BA/BS in your Student Center, under “change my major”. The following semester, you will need to enroll in IDS 305: Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies.

You will receive information regarding this course from your advisor. All Interdisciplinary Studies majors begin as Pre-Interdisciplinary Studies until successful completion of IDS 305.

Declare your major

Quick Reference for Academic Planning

Content on this page is provided as a quick reference for planning. All official course descriptions, degree requirements, program learning outcomes and more are published on the Undergraduate Catalog site. Updated August 2024.

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