New this year, table data has been added to each bar chart in the Fate dashboard. Use the filters in the chart tab to update the data in the table tab. A video on how to export the table to Excel can be found here.
The data presented in these dashboards are referred to as the Source Data. It is referred to as the Source Data because it represents where enrolled degree-seeking students came from (i.e., their “Source”).
About the Source Model
The Source model helps answer the question:
For students in a given fall semester, in a given college, department, and major, where did they come from (i.e., what was their enrollment status the previous year?)?
Four Aggregate-Level Sources
There are four aggregate-level “sources” – from same department; from same college; from different college; new or returned to the University and six granular “sources” as follows:
- From Same Department (includes: same major; different major)
- From Same College, Different Department
- From Different College
- New or Returned to University (includes: new to university; returned to university)
Multiple Majors
Students with multiple majors in different departments will also be counted in the different departments. Department, college, and university totals are unduplicated with order of preference for students with multiple statuses at that level given to the higher “sources” on the list above. In a similar fashion, in the rare case when a student ends up with multiple “sources” from one fall to the next, the student is classified according to the highest “source”.
The user is advised to consider the varied structure and composition of departments (the number of programs they have, whether they have limited enrollment or competitive admission, etc.) when reviewing this data to avoid making inappropriate comparisons.