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School of the Environment

Environmental Studies BA

(shared with COAS and SPS)

  1. Evaluate change—through time from past to future, within earth and human systems, and among diverse and varied cultures.
  2. See perspectives— identify, analyze, and compare views of the environment.
  3. Conduct research—using thoughtful questions and evidence-based arguments to characterize the significance and severity of specific environmental problems.
  4. Communicate clearly—among stakeholders, across societies, within and beyond any one community.
  5. Create networks—to explore skills necessary to address social needs and gain employment.
  6. Lead and follow—as informed citizens, team-players, and scholars.


Environmental Science BS

(shared with COAS and SPS)

  1. Use systems thinking approaches to evaluate environmental systems, describe biophysical and socio-cultural systems, and articulate their connections.
  2. Explain how historical and contemporary factors have shaped the environment and our understanding of and experiences with it.
  3. Evaluate conceptual frameworks from multiple perspectives to analyze and understand environmental systems and identify outcomes of proposed actions.
  4. Formulate research questions and identify appropriate methodologies to answer them.
  5. Evaluate and apply appropriate quantitative tools and methods to collect and analyze environmental data and demonstrate accepted data management practices.
  6. Develop and deploy a variety of communication and engagement practices that are appropriate to the audience, relationship, and intention.
  7. Describe characteristics of effective teams and assess the value of your coursework in an interdisciplinary context.

Environmental Management

(shared with COAS and SPS)

  1. Recognize and identify the complexities of environmental management, including diverse approaches from various disciplines.
  2. Develop skills and strategies for meaningful and productive relationships with stakeholders, rightsholders, and constituencies in varied social-ecological settings.
  3. Integrate applied and theoretical contexts of environmental issues and problems
  4. Collect and analyze data to design research draw conclusions and generate solutions to challenges in environmental management.
  5. Synthesize and translate research for the public in the context of environmental management.