Social Science AA
- Critical thinking/problem solving skills
- Ability to describe and value diversity, and the ability to explain sources of inequality
- Ability to communicate effectively in written and oral form
- Ability to apply social science to the analysis and evaluation of public policy, and to the betterment of local and global communities
Social Science BS
- Critical thinking/problem solving skills
- Mastery of key concepts and theories of society
- Ability to describe and value diversity, and the ability to explain sources of inequality
- Mastery of methods and statistical techniques used in the social sciences
- Ability to communicate effectively in written and oral form
- Ability to apply social science to the analysis and evaluation of public policy, and to the betterment of local and global communities
Sociology BS
- Critical thinking/problem solving skills
- Mastery of key concepts and theories of sociology
- Ability to describe and value diversity, and the ability to explain sources of inequality
- Mastery of methods and statistical techniques used in sociology
- Ability to communicate effectively in written and oral form
- Ability to apply sociology to the analysis and evaluation of public policy, and to the betterment of local and global communities
Ethnic Studies BS
- Critical thinking/problem solving skills – learning to think sociologically about ethnic studies
- Mastery of key social science concepts: culture, social structure, inequality, diversity
- Ability to describe and value diversity in a variety of contexts
- Ability to describe and explain continuing sources of inequality nationally and internationally
- Mastery of the central theories of ethnicity
- Mastery of the methodological and statistical techniques employed in ethnic studies
- Ability to communicate effectively in written and oral form
- Applying ethnic studies to the analysis and evaluation of public affairs
- Public engagement  – the ability to apply the discipline to the betterment of communities both globally and locally
- Basic communication skills in a foreign language