Music BA
- Demonstrated knowledge of: music theory, music history, musical literature
- Ability to perform on an instrument
- Students will exhibit dispositions aligned with performance and professionalism in preparation for their future career
Music Education BM
- Demonstrate musical skills: solo performance, ensemble performance
- Demonstrate knowledge of classroom techniques in music education
- Students will exhibit dispositions aligned with effective teaching and professionalism in preparation for their future teaching career
Music, Composition BM
- Demonstrate ability to compose music
- Demonstrate knowledge of music technology
- Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary music style
- Students will be proficient on a primary instrument/voice and a secondary instrument/voice
- Students will exhibit dispositions aligned with performance and professionalism in preparation for their future career
Music, Performance BM
- Demonstrated ability to perform on an instrument
- Demonstrate knowledge of major performance repertoire on the required instrument
- Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary music style
- Students will exhibit dispositions aligned with performance and professionalism in preparation for their future career
Conducting (Choral) MM
Music Education MM
- Ability to originate research in music education
- Demonstrate skills of musicianship in music history, and music theory
- Demonstrate knowledge of classroom techniques in music education
- Students will exhibit dispositions aligned with effective teaching and professionalism in preparation for their future teaching career
Performance MM
- Excellence in instrumental/vocal performance
- Demonstrate knowledge and experience of repertoire for the applied instrument
- Students will exhibit dispositions aligned with performance and professionalism in preparation for their future career