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Submitting Reports

READ ME FIRST: PAR Document Delivery via Google Shared Drives

The Google Shared Drive folders are used to submit your reports. You also can use the Google Shared drive space to collaborate with colleagues when working on PAR.

How the folders are organized:

  • Each department folder “PAR <xyz dept>” contains subfolders for every degree program

NOTE: Departments that offer courses as part of the general education curriculum (FD courses) will also have an associated subfolder called “UF Foundations of the Discipline REPORT.” This folder will be used to submit FD Reports (FDRs) to the General Education Committee.

  • Program folders are further subdivided into reporting years (e.g., “2023-24 Reporting Cycle) and are organized with the following folders:
  • PAR Templates – contains preloaded Template I, Template II, and Curriculum Map Template in addition to the PAR Help Guide and PAR Rubric.

Please use the templates provided in the folder and do not use previously submitted templates. The provided templates are dated to ensure you are using the current versions of the documents

  • Drafts and Department Workspace – an empty folder that departments/programs can use as shared collaborative space to keep track of their PAR work. This can serve as a repository for the program and help with continuity of efforts over time.
  • Submitted FINAL Reports – this is the folder where you will load your final reports, which will be included in the review. The PAR reports are due May 1.
  • Peer Review Feedback and Follow-up Report – this is where you will receive a feedback report from faculty/staff review teams and also where you will submit the PAR Follow-up Report. Follow-up Reports are due November 1.

You should have access that enables you to edit and work with the templates. If you have difficulty with this, please contact for assistance. If others need access to the folder, please let us know.

NOTE: Edit access to the folder is removed during the review period. Editorial access is restored after the peer review feedback is delivered.

Foundations of the Discipline Reports (FDRs)

Departments that offer courses as part of the University Foundations curriculum also will be required to fulfill assessment requirements of the General Education Committee. Foundations of the Discipline Reports (FDRs), which are course-level reports, will be required for each FD offering. These reports also are due May 1. Details are available from the University Foundations staff (

Additional helpful information

Check out the assessment website and UF website for information on programs reporting this year, the PLOs currently on file for each program, and other resources.

Review and reflect on previous PARs submitted by the program and the feedback previously received by looking in the subfolders for prior years.

Submitting PARs – Reports are due May 1

When ready for submission rename the three documents comprising the PAR as follows:

  • <ProgramName> Template I FINAL (e.g., “BA Philosophy Template I FINAL”)
  • <ProgramName> Template II FINAL
  • <ProgramName> Curriculum Map FINAL

Place all three parts into the folder named “Submitted FINAL Reports.”

After you load your final reports, please email

Questions or More Information

Anyone needing assistance, can contact