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PAR Timeline for Departments

See below for workflow for each year’s reporting schedule


Departments with reports due in the current year are notified in August.


Prep meetings, consultations, and workshops held for department reps (chair, assessment committee, program director, etc.).

Departments/programs review previous report, progress made, and decide upon a focus for updates or revisions.


Departments/programs gather and evaluate evidence, revise measures, etc. Facilitation and workshops continue.

Departments with Reports Due

Departments with reports due during the next academic year are notified in January.


*Solicit, select, and train peer reviewers.

May 1st

Program Assessment Reports DUE; report templates I & II and curriculum map template.

May–June 15th

*Peer review teams complete evaluations and provide feedback on PARs.


*Feedback assembled and provided to departments.


Departments/programs discuss feedback and next steps.

November 1st

Departments/programs submit Follow-up Report of the discussion and summary of actions to be taken.


*PARs and follow-up reports posted to the website; summary reports shared with dean, provost, and other administration/governance as appropriate.


* Denotes administrative duties handled by the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Planning or Institutional Effectiveness.

Updated: September 2023