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Department of Literacy, Language, and Culture PLOs

Elementary Education TESOL BA

  1. Knowledge about Language
  2. ELLs in the Sociocultural Context
  3. Planning and Implementing Instruction
  4. Assessment and Evaluation
  5. Professionalism and Leadership

Education, Language, Literacy & Culture MA

  1. Written Communication – Write effectively in multiple contexts, for a variety of audiences.
  2. Oral Communication – Communicate effectively in speech, both as a speaker and listener.
  3. Critical Inquiry – Engage in effective critical inquiry by defining problems, gathering and evaluating evidence, and determining the adequacy of argumentative discourse.
  4. Innovation and Teamwork – Think creatively about complex problems to produce, evaluate, and implement innovative possible solutions, often as one member of a team.
  5. Ethics – Analyze ethical issues in personal, professional, and civic life and produce reasoned evaluations of competing value systems and ethical claims.
  6. Diversity – Apply knowledge of diversity and systems of inequality to address social issues of local and global importance.