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ICUR 2022

Highlights from ICUR 2022

What Does “Research” Even Mean?

ICUR 2022 Keynote Talk

The Idaho Conference on Undergraduate Research kicked-off with a keynote talk from Dr. Laticia Herkshan, Undergraduate Advisor/Mentor at Idaho State University.

Eight Talks | Three Minutes | Endless Possibilities

Student Lightning Talks

Undergraduate researchers from across the state shares their research projects in an exciting 3-minute pitch setting.

Student Researchers:

Calvin Dirickson | Social Sciences | Idaho State University
Gwyneth Donahue | Economics | Idaho State University
Brie Ellison | Health Sciences | Boise State University
Jaelyn Freberg | Physics | Northwest Nazarene University
Cat Merrill | Molecular Biology | Boise State University
Michael Robison | Biological Sciences | College of Western Idaho
Drew Wyman | Biomedical Sciences | The College of Idaho
Victor Zhong | Microbiology | University of Idaho

Student + Faculty Mentor Team

Paired Research Talk #1

TJ Tso and Dr. Liz Redd discuss working together on their research project.

Student + Faculty Mentor Team

Paired Research Talk #2

Elysia Watkins and Dr. Cynthia Curl discuss working together on their research project.

Student + Faculty Mentor Team

Paired Research Talk #3

Bailey Briggs and Dr. Mark Coleman discuss working together on their research project.