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a logo for the IMBCR project displays a grid of squares with a singing silhouette of a bird and the letters IMBCR

From late April to mid-July, IBO staff conduct point-count surveys throughout the Intermountain West as a part of the Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions (IMBCR) program coordinated by Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Other partners include: private land owners, Bureau of Land Management, US Forest Service, National Park Service, USDA NRCS, NFWF, and Intermountain West JV.

View of an open forest with wildflowers
These surveys are full of breathtaking landscapes, as well as great birds! Photo from the Idaho Panhandle by IMBCR technician Joshua Parrot

Project Overview

This is a coordinated multi-agency bird monitoring effort that covers most western states and we are excited to continue collecting data that contributes at multiple levels. Technicians on this project travel extensively to reach the various survey locations and some of the hiking is quite grueling and in very steep and wet (but beautiful!) terrain.

The IMBCR program provides landbird population estimates and trends at multiple spatial scales. You can query IMBCR data at the Rocky Mountain Avian Data Center.

Project News and Jobs

Job Posting: Utah Avian Field Technician
Job Filled: Full Time Research Biologist
Job Posting: Grassland Bird Community Technician
Job Posting: Montana and Idaho Avian Point Count Technicians

Research and Reports

The largest extent of the IMBCR sampling frame is the Bird Conservation Region: ecologically distinct geographic regions in North America with similar bird communities, habitats, and resource management issues. The IMBCR program provides robust population estimates and trends for breeding landbirds at multiple spatial scales.

View references, reports, and project updates on our ResearchGate page.

Or query IMBCR data using the Rocky Mountain Avian Data Center.

Get in touch!


Contact us with your questions about this project at

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