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University Students

Undergraduate and Beyond

We work with university students, aspiring graduate students, and course instructors by sharing our long term data sets to answer research questions. These projects are excellent opportunities to add to your CV and network with other professionals in the field in preparation for Graduate School. Visit our Project Showcase to see past student work.

Opportunities include:

  • Presentations at professional societies
  • Undergraduate Research Conference posters and presentations
  • Class projects
  • Workshops

We also welcome undergrads and early-career biologists to gain valuable experience through our various internships and volunteer opportunities, so be sure to visit our jobs page to learn more about these opportunities.

Students can gain experience in:

  • Data proofing and dataset management
  • Data analysis*
  • Field techniques
  • Public outreach and science communication
  • Poster and oral presentations
  • Journal publications*

*IBO staff are available on a limited basis for large data analysis and publication projects, depending on the project and funding levels. We also welcome students to work with outside mentors to utilize our data. Contact us for more information.

Research Experience for Undergraduates


We participate in Boise State University Raptor Research Center’s Research Experience for Undergraduates Site in Raptor Research (REU-RR). This National Science Foundation program is designed to provide undergraduate students with a broad education experience in Raptor Research. This includes field work, laboratory work, data analysis, presentations, and publication. Undergraduate students from any U.S.-based college are eligible to apply. The application window is from December to February of each year with the program starting in late May. IBO hosts one to two students each summer.

Visit the REU Raptor Research page.
Department of Biology

Graduate Students

IBO Research Director, Jay Carlisle, is an associate research faculty member of Boise State University. He advises and serves on committees for graduate students in the Biology (MS), Ecology Evolution and Behavior (PhD), and Raptor Biology (MS) programs.

Visit our jobs page for position announcements or contact Jay at

Project Showcase

Job Posting: Avian Field Technician Southern Utah
Job Posting: Grassland Bird Community Technician
Job Posting: Montana and Idaho Avian Point Count Technicians
Job Posting: Experienced Spring Migration Banding Field Assistant
Job Posting: American Goshawk Seasonal Avian Technicians
NSF Grant Empowers Student Research in Spain