If you would like to join this introduction to raptor handling and banding workshop, or receive emails about upcoming workshops, please fill out our workshop interest form.
We are pleased to announce that we will be offering our “Introduction to Raptor Handling and Banding Techniques” 4-full day workshop in the Fall of 2025 at our Lucky Peak Migratory Research Station in beautiful Boise, Idaho!
Workshop fee: $975 per person

September 8-11, 2025
*If there is enough interest, we may offer a second identical workshop September 15-18. Be sure to fill out our workshop interest form to join the waitlist for either workshop.
We developed this informative introductory workshop specifically for people with little to no raptor experience with the objective to introduce several common techniques used in many raptor-related field jobs. Anyone is welcome to attend: professionals, students, birders, and those interested in learning more about raptor field techniques.
September is a peak time in southern Idaho for raptor migration and the workshop will be held at our Lucky Peak research station, near Boise, Idaho which supports one of the largest fall raptor migrations in the west. IBO has counted and banded raptors at this location for over 30 years.

Topics we will cover include: safe handling of live raptors, introduction to banding techniques, ageing and sexing, taking measurements, properly caring for lure birds, recording accurate data, common capture techniques at migration stations (bow net, dho gaza, mist net), techniques for road trapping (Bal-chatri), breeding season techniques (observe demonstrations of tree climbing by trained climber using harnesses and other gear), and long-distance raptor identification by flight style and shape (hawk watch techniques).

During “down-times” before and after raptor trapping, workshop participants are invited to observe songbird banding in the mornings and observe owl banding in the evenings. However, participants should note that these banding activities are not included as a part of the hands-on workshop agenda and will be conducted by the Lucky Peak banding crew only.

The workshop is taught by IBO raptor biologists certified as trainers by the North American Banding Council.
Enrollment is limited to 8 people. Please note that participants should not expect to become certified banders as part of this introductory workshop, though a certificate of completion will be awarded at its conclusion.
Weather conditions will play a major role in how many birds we catch each day.
Free overnight camping at our research station is available for the nights of the workshop only.