Can you believe that curlews will begin migrating back to their breeding grounds of the intermountain west in less than a month?!  But for now, they are enjoying the remaining days on their wintering grounds of California and Mexico, fueling up and getting lots of rest for the big journey north.

It is not often we get to see any of our study flock in the winter, but two of IBO’s transmittered males (Neil and Dozer) have been the center of attention on the coast of California and have gained quite a following of bird lovers! We have been receiving awesome photos and videos from many wonderful folks that have been “keeping tabs” on these beach-loving boys.
If you need a little break from grey winter days, then sit back and relax with this beautiful 9-minute video (be sure your volume is turned up!) sent to us by birder Petra Clayton of Dozer and company from the Morro Bay, California area. It is guaranteed to bring warmth to your heart, a smile to your face, and an ocean breeze through your feathers.
Click the image below to view the video: