Based on current and projected COVID19 conditions in Ada County, we have extended visitor closures at IBO stations through the end of the fall migration season.
This includes all remaining dates for our Hummingbird Banding Project as well as our Boise River Research Station Fall Songbird Banding at the Diane Moore Nature Center.
In addition, this includes all scheduled visits and organized trips to observe our banding and hawk watch activities* at our Lucky Peak Research Station.

This is in line with Boise State University Guidelines as well as with the City of Boise. We will continue to re-evaluate this fall in light of current infection rates, Governor’s orders, and Boise State guidelines.
So far, we plan to continue our research with careful precautions to keep our crews safe.

Please stay tuned for announcements from our team. We hope that we will be able to bring you opportunities to observe our research “virtually” through live videos and social media updates. If you don’t already, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for more updates. And don’t forget to register for future IBO updates including COVID-19 related schedule changes using this newsletter signup form.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our team.
While we will be closed to visitors, our funding needs have not changed: we hope to keep our biologists and outreach team employed during the pandemic so that we can continue our research, and we could use your support to make that happen. If you are in a position to give during these trying times, please visit our giving page.
*Note that our Lucky Peak Station is a part of the Boise River Wildlife Management Area. This public land remains open to recreationists. We ask that folks passing through our station keep their distance from our scientists to keep our crew and themselves safe.