What is metabolic testing?
- Resting Metabolic Rate: resting metabolic rate is the energy required by the body to maintain the vital functions of the body in a resting stat This value allows you to calculate total daily energy expenditure, approximate the energy substrates being used, and to estimate caloric intake needs.
- Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 max): this is a test conducted to determine the maximal amount of oxygen the body is able to consume per minute of physical activity. This measurement is used to determine cardiovascular fitness level and can somewhat predict aerobic performance.

Metabolic Tests
Aerobic Capacity (Maximal Oxygen Consumption, V̇O2 max)
The maximal oxygen consumption test is a measure of aerobic capacity. It is a maximal effort test that is conducted while connected to a metabolic cart that measures oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production. This test determines the absolute maximum amount of oxygen that the individual can consume during aerobic exercise and is useful for prescribing training intensities for endurance athletes, monitoring training effects of aerobic activity, and measuring changes in health across time.
What to expect
Changing facilities are available in the lab. Do not consume any food or drink 3 hours prior to testing (preferably a light meal only at that time). Wear running clothes and shoes for the treadmill, setting up your own bike and CompuTrainer is an option.
Resting Metabolic Rate
Resting metabolic rate is the energy required by the body to maintain the vital functions of the body in a resting state. This value allows you to calculate total daily energy expenditure, approximate the energy substrates being used, and to estimate caloric intake needs. This is a test conducted to determine the maximal amount of oxygen the body is able to consume per minute of physical activity. This measurement is used to determine cardiovascular fitness level and can somewhat predict aerobic performance. The lab is equipped to do maximal testing on a variety of different ergometers (bicycles, rowing) and on the treadmill.
What to expect
Changing facilities are available in the lab. Do not consume any food or drink 3 hours prior to testing (preferably a light meal only at that time). Wear comfortable clothing, the test itself takes approximately 20 min.
Anaerobic Power Test
The Wingate Anaerobic Power Test is used to assess peak anaerobic power, anaerobic fatigue and total anaerobic capacity. These values can be used to more accurately prescribe optimum training intensities for aerobic events such as cycling and distance running and for anaerobic events, i.e. sprinting. Other anaerobic power tests are also available.