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Small Grants Program

The mission of the HSSI is to elevate and center the Humanities and Social Sciences at Boise State through promoting collaborative, multidisciplinary projects that integrate humanistic and social scientific methods, theories, and practices in interdisciplinary academic programming and scholarship. This call for proposals supports that aim by awarding one-time funds (with the possibility of renewal) to successful applicants. The types of proposals to be considered are described briefly below and in more detail here.

Award Period

Please note that submissions are now closed and will open again in Fall 2023.

Fall 2023 and Spring 2024. Proposals may cover one or both semesters. Proposals for Summer 2024 workshops and summer schools will be due in September 2023.


Successful proposals will:

  • center the humanities or social sciences or both in the proposed project;
  • meaningfully engage multiple units or departments within the College of Arts and Sciences (may also include participants from across the university and from the broader public);
  • identify outcomes that support the mission of the HSSI;
  • support the college’s mission;
  • demonstrate clarity in focus and goals;
  • present a reasonable budget according to budget reminders and best practices from COAS;
  • adhere to and address the expectations defined for each type of project in their descriptive documents.

Types of Proposals Considered and Maximum Budget Requests

The types of proposals to be considered are described briefly below.

  • Collaborative ($2,000) – research or pedagogical working group
  • Seed Grant ($1,000) – new project seeking support
  • Seminar ($2,000) – works-in-progress or readings discussion group
  • Partnership ($1,000) – established initiative seeking support