Social needs include things like love, acceptance and belonging. These needs can be satisfied by friendships with coworkers, friends, family, social groups and community groups can satisfy those needs.
Supporting Working Parents
The beginning of the school year has left many parents scrambling to understand how to keep their students safe while also balancing work and household demands. The following information offers the latest back-to-school guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, as well as guidance on navigating the transition and dealing with the emotional impacts of the outbreak. Keep in mind that your GuidanceResources program is available to you and your employees 24 hours a day, seven days a week to assist with virtually any issue. Visit: Back To School Resources, COVID-19
Work-From-Home Habits
This digital toolkit provides resources to support you while working from home: Work-From-Home habits of Effective People
Team Connection
Virtual Team Building online training/resource: Online resource for building virtual teams Contact Kip Spittle at
Peers and Boss
Leader Led Lunch Hours & Coffee Chats; check with your department for details.
Connection to Friends & Family
Connection to Community
Student Connections Center Support Services: Case management, crisis intervention, resources and referrals, and advocacy. Intentional 1:1 reach outs. Contact: Adriane Bang
Family Caregiver Navigator
The Family Caregiver Navigator (FCN) provides free, remote resources and support to caregivers throughout the state. Navigators work directly with caregivers to provide connection to critically needed resources, peer support and tools to combat stress and burnout.
Read more about the Family Caregiver Navigator
For more information, contact the FCN team at or (208) 426-5899.