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Supervisor Training

Human Resource offers development training designed specifically for Boise State to help existing and aspiring supervisors further their education and broaden their skill sets. These development programs help leaders to become more effective in coaching, dealing with conflict and building a positive workplace culture. The program provides tools to move to the next level as a supervisor.

When supervisors tap into their strengths, they become the driving connector for employees to feel empowered, psychologically safe, motivated and excited about their work. They work collaboratively with their team to ensure they stay on track and meet their goals. They build a positive workplace culture that cultivates and elevates individual and team strengths.

How will the program work?

The program is open to all employees at no cost. Within six months, participants will grow significantly, while learning the most important practices and concepts every manager needs to know.  Most trainings will offer both in-person and online options. Additionally, successful completion of the leadership workshops will be considered in conjunction with other performance metrics during a supervisor’s annual evaluation.

This program’s mission is to provide supervisors the skills and competencies needed to be successful in their role. These workshops, in conjunction with the university’s strategic plan and the people strategy, help to create strong university leaders.

Building Your Supervisory Superpowers

Our People Strategy and Culture

Boise State believes in the importance of training, supporting, and developing supervisors. Leadership development, culture, and collaboration are everyone’s responsibility. In coordination with supervisors, Human Resources will conduct an ongoing analysis of the program to ensure it is effective and yields the intended results.

*Supervisor Development program is intended for benefit-eligible staff

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Course Offerings

Mentoring and Setting Expectations

Course Description

Successful teams with a successful mentoring strategy know the importance of leveraging talent, growing people and engaging all team members. During this workshop, participants will look at guidelines for establishing a positive mentor-protégé relationship and receive templates to help kick start their own program. This training will cover the following key areas:

  • Performance expectations
  • Behavioral expectations


  • Deanna Turner – Owner of Turner Consulting, a leadership and coaching firm.
  • Bridgette Wewers – Global HR Business Partner at Hewlett-Packard.

Managing Time

Course Description

Managing time and supervising staff with busy, complex schedules is a challenge. This session will help participants to manage time, accomplish tasks, and be available to staff members. This session is designed to teach aspiring, new and experienced supervisors to:

  • Manage their day in the most effective way for their team, their workload and their mental health.
  • Delegate to free up time and empower staff.
  • Eliminate meetings and learn how to say, “No”.
  • Use models, like the Eisenhower matrix, to be proactive.


Sean Hunter – Director of Community Educational Outreach at Boise State University.

Dealing with Change (& how to implement change in teams)

Course Description

Leaders are asked to implement change within their teams, but change creates stress and can take away the feeling of control. Engagement surveys show that 40% of respondents ranked “managing change” as one of the top three workplace challenges. This session is designed to teach aspiring, new and experienced supervisors to:

  • Understand the dynamics of change.
  • Discover the emotional changes people go through when facing change.
  • Learn functional and practical tools to support people through the complex stages of change.
  • Explore the most effective leadership approach in changing times.
  • Draft your own personal action plan.


Megan Hudson PHR – Workforce and Leadership Development, Conference Speaker, Workshop Facilitator.  Instructor PACE Programs at Boise State University specializing in Change Management.

Creating a Culture of Accountability

Course Description

Creating a culture of accountability assists supervisors how to inspire and uplift, as they obtain accountability from others. Leaders will gain essential skills to drive accountability in a solution-focused and respectful way. This session is designed to teach aspiring, new and experienced supervisors to:

  • Understand the different factors of accountability.
  • Clarify desired outcomes and communicate performance standards early and clearly.
  • Use incentives to drive key behaviors conducive to accountability.
  • Communicate skillfully to help low performers reach desired improvement.


Laura Meyer – Facilitator, Trainer, Continuous Improvement Analyst and Energy Practitioner.

Managing Conflict in Teams

Course Description

This course teaches enhanced communication skills and conflict resolution techniques that can ease tension between coworkers, or between staff and management. Tension causes employees to feel demotivated, and less engaged which leads to lower job performance. Leaders trained in conflict management skills help identify, prevent and resolve work conflicts. This session is designed to teach aspiring, new and experienced supervisors to:

  • Build more inclusive listening skills.
  • Enhance ability to hear and comprehend team’s needs and feelings.
  • Mediate and resolve disagreements between team members.
  • Guide difficult conflicts with team members


Ashley Orme, Director for the Conflict Management program.

Leading Others

Course Description

This training will help new and seasoned supervisors to transform their leadership style to manage themselves, motivate others, build a trusting environment and accomplish division’s goals. This session is designed to teach aspiring, new and experienced supervisors to:

  • Understand their leadership style and how to leverage it daily.
  • Build trust, transparency and morale within a new or existing team.
  • Use simple tools and strategies to help leaders become successful and improve their team’s productivity.


Tricia Burns, MBA – Adjunct instructor for Boise State University’s interdisciplinary professional studies program.

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