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Time Entry & Absences

Time entry and absences are entered through Bronco Hub via

Most faculty and professional staff are exempt employees and paid a bi-weekly salary, meaning time is only entered in Bronco Hub for leave or absences.

Classified staff, student employees, and all other hourly non-exempt staff should enter their hours worked each week every Monday. Time cards will route to line managers (supervisors) for approval.

A few unique groups of employees will continue to enter their hours worked in alternate electronic time keeping systems.

If an employee is unclear about hourly status or when time entry is required, they should ask their direct supervisor.

To add payroll due dates to your google calendar follow the link below.

Payroll Due Dates Google Calendar (Add-on for Reminders)

For assistance entering/submitting and approving timecards, please submit a ServiceNow Ticket.

ServiceNow Ticket Request

Time Card Resources

Employee Time Entry

Employee time entry is due every Monday.

Late time that is not submitted and approved in time for the payroll will not be calculated until the following payroll.

If time is entered late and paid later, this could affect the tax rates.


Entering Hours Worked and Rounding

Download Printable Overtime to Accrue Comp Time (pdf)

Enter hours worked to the nearest 1/10th of an hour.

For Example:

If you worked from 9:00 am to 11:15 am enter as 2.3 hrs

Amount Worked Enter as:
Less than 3 minutes .0
3 – 8 minutes .1
9 – 14 minutes .2
15 – 20 minutes .3
21 – 26 minutes .4
27 – 32 minutes .5
33 – 38 minutes .6
39 -45 minutes .7
46 – 50 minutes .8
51 – 56 minutes .9

Comp (Compensatory) Time

Comp time earned July 1 through December 31 and not used by June 30 or last pay period of the Fiscal Year, will be paid in the first paycheck in July. Comp time earned January 1 through June 30 and not used by December 31 or the last pay period of the calendar year, will be paid in the first paycheck in January.

Comp Time Earned Comp Time Used By Comp Time Payout
12/16/18 – 6/15/19 12/14/19 1/10/20
6/16/19 – 12/14/19 6/13/20 7/10/20
12/15/19 – 6/13/20 12/12/20 1/8/20

Overtime to Accrue Comp Time

Download Printable Overtime to Accrue Comp Time (pdf)

Overtime occurs after physically working more than 40 hours in a work week.

  1. Enter all hours worked as Hours Worked up to 40 (for Overtime, enter all the time as Hours worked).
  2. Add a line to enter Comp Time Accrued for any time over 40 hours worked (that is not taken as Overtime Pay).

For Example:

If your normal shift is Monday through Friday

Enter your regular hours as Hours Worked in the first line and along with the hours you worked for Over time.

If the Holiday is on a Work Day and you do not work

You are not eligible for Overtime. Do not enter eight hours of holiday time, the system will add eight hours of holiday time.

If the Holiday is on a work day and you do not work but get overtime

Do not enter eight hours as holiday time, the system will add eight hours for you. Enter your regular and over time (Hours Worked).

When using Vacation or Sick Leave and Overtime
  • Leave cannot be utilized if it will result in pay or time accrued in excess of the employee’s normally scheduled workweek.
  • Enter your regular and overtime hours (hours worked) in line one, and sick time (sick leave) in line two.

Overtime to be Paid

Download Printable Overtime to be Paid (pdf)

How does Comp Time Pay Off work?

In general, compensatory (comp) time earned in the first six months of the year, if not used in the second six months of the year, is paid out in the first check of January. This cycle repeats every six months with pay outs in January and July.

Vacation Leave Accruals

Refer to Boise State University Policy 7620.

Leave Plan Years Employed* Hours Accrued Per Pay Period** Rate % Accrued Per Hour Maximum***
A 0-5 years 3.7 hours 0.04615 192 hours
B 5-10 years 4.6 hours 0.05769 240 hours
C 10-15 years 5.5 hours 0.06923 288 hours
D 15+ years 6.5 hours 0.08077 336 hours

Leave Plan Years Employed Hours Accrued Per Pay Period** Rate % Accrued Per Hour Maximum***
X n/a 7.4 0.09240 240 hours

*Based on 40 hours per week Credited State Service hours or 2080 hours per year
** Pay period is based on 80 hours worked. Vacation accrual will be prorated if fewer hours worked, rate percentage (%) accrued per hour will be used.
*** Hours accrued beyond the maximum will be lost.

Shift Work and Holiday Time Entry

For example

If your normal shift is 10pm to 6:30am Sunday through Thursday

Enter your regular hours as Hours Worked in the first line.

If the Holiday is on a Work Day and you do not work

Enter your regular hours as Hours Worked. Do not enter eight hours of holiday time, the system will add eight hours of holiday time.

If the Holiday is on a work day and you do work but take another day off

Do not enter eight hours as holiday time (Holiday Pay), the system will add eight hours for you. Enter your regular time as Hours Worked. Enter eight hours as Holiday Worked Paid on the holiday.