Download a Printable Processing Calendar for FY24, FY25 and FY26 (PDF)
Payroll Processing Calendar FY 24
Payroll processing calendars outlining the start and end dates of pay periods and pay dates. Use the search field to filter table content.
Pay Period Number | Pay Period Start | Pay Period End | Pay Date |
14 | 6/11/23 | 6/24/23 | 7/7/23 |
15 | 6/25/23 | 7/8/23 | 7/21/23 |
16 | 7/9/23 | 7/22/23 | 8/4/23 |
17 | 7/23/23 | 8/5/23 | 8/18/23 |
18 | 8/6/23 | 8/19/23 | 9/1/23 |
19 | 8/20/23 | 9/2/23 | 9/15/23 |
20 | 9/3/23 | 9/16/23 | 9/29/23 |
21 | 9/17/23 | 9/30/23 | 10/13/23 |
22 | 10/1/23 | 10/14/23 | 10/27/23 |
23 | 10/15/23 | 10/28/23 | 11/10/23 |
24 | 10/29/23 | 11/11/23 | 11/24/23 |
25 | 11/12/23 | 11/25/23 | 12/8/23 |
26 | 11/26/23 | 12/9/23 | 12/22/23 |
1 | 12/10/23 | 12/23/23 | 1/5/24 |
2 | 12/24/23 | 1/6/24 | 1/19/24 |
3 | 1/7/24 | 1/20/24 | 2/2/24 |
4 | 1/21/24 | 2/3/24 | 2/16/24 |
5 | 2/4/24 | 2/17/24 | 3/1/24 |
6 | 2/18/24 | 3/2/24 | 3/15/24 |
7 | 3/3/24 | 3/16/24 | 3/29/24 |
8 | 3/17/24 | 3/30/24 | 4/12/24 |
9 | 3/31/24 | 4/13/24 | 4/26/24 |
10 | 4/14/24 | 4/27/24 | 5/10/24 |
11 | 4/28/24 | 5/11/24 | 5/24/24 |
12 | 5/12/24 | 5/25/24 | 6/7/24 |
13 | 5/26/24 | 6/8/24 | 6/21/24 |
Payroll Processing Calendar FY 25
Payroll processing calendars outlining the start and end dates of pay periods and pay dates. Use the search field to filter table content.
Pay Period Number | Pay Period Start | Pay Period End | Pay Date |
14 | 6/9/24 | 6/22/24 | 7/5/24 |
15 | 6/23/24 | 7/6/24 | 7/19/24 |
16 | 7/7/24 | 7/20/24 | 8/2/24 |
17 | 7/21/24 | 8/3/24 | 8/16/24 |
18 | 8/4/24 | 8/17/24 | 8/30/24 |
19 | 8/18/24 | 8/31/24 | 9/13/24 |
20 | 9/1/24 | 9/14/24 | 9/27/24 |
21 | 9/15/24 | 9/28/24 | 10/11/24 |
22 | 9/29/24 | 10/12/24 | 10/25/24 |
23 | 10/13/24 | 10/26/24 | 11/8/24 |
24 | 10/27/24 | 11/9/24 | 11/22/24 |
25 | 11/10/24 | 11/23/24 | 12/6/24 |
26 | 11/24/24 | 12/7/24 | 12/20/24 |
1 | 12/8/24 | 12/21/24 | 1/3/25 |
2 | 12/22/24 | 1/4/25 | 1/17/25 |
3 | 1/5/25 | 1/18/25 | 1/31/25 |
4 | 1/19/25 | 2/1/25 | 2/14/25 |
5 | 2/2/25 | 2/15/25 | 2/28/25 |
6 | 2/16/25 | 3/1/25 | 3/14/25 |
7 | 3/2/25 | 3/15/25 | 3/28/25 |
8 | 3/16/25 | 3/29/25 | 4/11/25 |
9 | 3/30/25 | 4/12/25 | 4/25/25 |
10 | 4/13/25 | 4/26/25 | 5/9/25 |
11 | 4/27/25 | 5/10/25 | 5/23/25 |
12 | 5/11/25 | 5/24/25 | 6/6/25 |
13 | 5/25/25 | 6/7/25 | 6/20/25 |
Payroll Processing Calendar FY 26
Payroll processing calendars outlining the start and end dates of pay periods and pay dates. Use the search field to filter table content.
Pay Period Number | Pay Period Start | Pay Period End | Pay Date |
14 | 6/8/25 | 6/21/25 | 7/4/25 |
15 | 6/22/25 | 7/5/25 | 7/19/25 |
16 | 7/6/25 | 7/19/25 | 8/1/25 |
17 | 7/20/25 | 8/2/25 | 8/15/25 |
18 | 8/3/25 | 8/16/25 | 8/29/25 |
19 | 8/17/25 | 8/30/25 | 9/12/25 |
20 | 8/31/25 | 9/13/25 | 9/26/25 |
21 | 9/14/25 | 9/27/25 | 10/10/25 |
22 | 9/28/25 | 10/11/25 | 10/24/25 |
23 | 10/12/25 | 10/25/25 | 11/7/25 |
24 | 10/26/25 | 11/8/24 | 11/21/25 |
25 | 11/9/25 | 11/22/25 | 12/5/25 |
26 | 11/23/25 | 12/6/25 | 12/19/25 |
1 | 12/7/25 | 12/20/25 | 1/2/26 |
2 | 12/21/25 | 1/3/26 | 1/16/26 |
3 | 1/4/26 | 1/17/26 | 1/30/26 |
4 | 1/18/26 | 1/31/26 | 2/13/26 |
5 | 2/1/26 | 2/14/26 | 2/27/26 |
6 | 2/15/25 | 2/28/26 | 3/13/26 |
7 | 3/1/26 | 3/14/26 | 3/27/26 |
8 | 3/15/26 | 3/28/26 | 4/10/26 |
9 | 3/29/26 | 4/11/26 | 4/24/26 |
10 | 4/12/26 | 4/25/26 | 5/8/26 |
11 | 4/26/26 | 5/9/26 | 5/22/26 |
12 | 5/10/26 | 5/23/26 | 6/5/26 |
13 | 5/24/26 | 6/6/25 | 6/19/26 |