We are here to help you with any end of employment compensation and benefits questions. Below we have topical information for you. Contact hrs@boisestate.edu if you have any additional questions.
Information By Topic
Final Paycheck
Since the university payroll is run biweekly for the prior two-week pay period, final paychecks are issued at least two weeks after the final day of employment.
Sick Leave
The sick leave hours accrued at the end of employment are not paid off. If transferring directly to another Idaho state agency, accumulated sick leave will transfer with you. If you separate employment and return to Boise State or another Idaho state agency within three years, the sick leave balance can be reinstated.
Annual Leave
Unused accrued annual leave hours are paid out in your last paycheck unless you are transferring to another state agency. You may elect to defer some, or all, of your vacation payoff as a pre-tax contribution to a supplemental retirement plan to avoid paying income taxes on this income in this tax year. Please contact the benefits department if you wish to discuss the options available to you.
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
These optional benefits are administered by a third-party company, Navia (425) 452-3500.
Health FSA
You may submit claims for expenses that were incurred prior to your separation date.
You have until October 31 to file claims for any eligible expenses incurred during the preceding plan year. Any funds remaining in an account after that filing deadline will be forfeited in accordance with IRS guidelines.
Dependent Care FSA
Your participation in the Plan shall cease and no further contributions shall be made after employment ends. However, Participants may submit claims for employment-related Dependent Care Expense reimbursements for claims incurred through the end of the month in which the separation occurs. Claims must be submitted within the 2 1/2 month Grace Period after the end of the Plan Year, with reimbursements limited to the remaining Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account balance as of the last day of the month in which you separate employment.
Other Optional Benefits
If you are enrolled in any optional insurance benefits that have premiums deducted via payroll, you may be able to continue coverage by contacting the vendor to make alternative billing arrangements.
Health, Basic Life, and Disability Insurance Eligibility
Coverage for the State health, basic life and disability insurance ends at the end of the next month following the date of separation, based on the day of the month that employment ends.
NOTE: Employment ending on or after the 15th of a month, coverage will continue through the end of the following month
With a separation date of July 1st, health insurance coverage will continue through July 31st.
After eligibility for group health care coverage ends, you may be able to purchase continued medical and dental, on an individual basis, for a period of time under a federal law known as the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA).
Medical and Dental COBRA rates are available on this Office of Group Insurance website
Individuals losing health coverage under the State’s plan can expect to receive a mailing from Blue Cross of Idaho before the date coverage will end with COBRA information and instructions. To continue coverage under this provision, the insured person must elect coverage within sixty (60) days after group coverage terminates. To request additional information, contact the Office of Group Insurance, 332- 1860. The Boise State Benefits Department is not able to provide COBRA continuation coverage forms, as this is handled directly from Blue Cross of Idaho.
Basic Life Insurance
When eligibility for group life insurance coverage ends, employees can apply for a conversion to an individual policy offered by Principal Life Insurance Company – no evidence of insurability is required if the application is made within thirty-one (31) days after group coverage ends. Conversion policies are not available for disability coverages.
NOTE: Costs, provisions and benefits of conversion policies may differ substantially from those of the group plans. Additional information and conversion applications are available from the Office of Group Insurance. Their office is located in Boise and the phone number is 332-1860.
Principal Voluntary Term Life
Individuals who are enrolled for additional life insurance for themselves and any dependents under the Voluntary Term Life (VTL) Insurance plan will be covered until the end of the month in which they leave
employment at the university. VTL insurance for a covered employee working through June 20 would end as of June 30. When this VTL insurance would otherwise end under the State Group Policy, the member may be eligible to continue insurance under a Group Life Portability Insurance Policy underwritten by The Principal Life Insurance Company. Contact the Office of Group Insurance for information regarding this option, 208-332-1860.
NCPERS Term Life
Individuals may convert their NCPERS life insurance to a Prudential individual life policy within 31 days following separation of employment.
Faculty and Professional staff may be enrolled in either the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) or PERSI as their mandatory retirement plan. Classified employees are enrolled in PERSI as their mandatory retirement plan.
PERSI defined benefit retirement plan, who have completed 60 or more months of service, will be eligible to receive a future monthly Base Plan retirement benefit, to be paid over your lifetime. The amount is based on your earnings, credited service, and age when you start drawing your benefit.
If you are not vested in PERSI, you may withdraw your contributions, plus interest from the plan, or leave those funds in the plan until a later date if you anticipate returning to state service. To learn more about your PERSI benefit options, please visit their website or contact them:
PERSI: www.persi.idaho.gov ; 208-334-3365, or 1-800-451-8228
Optional Retirement Plan (ORP)
You are 100 % vested in the ORP Retirement Plan which entitles you to both the employee and university contributions to your retirement account and any earnings made on your investments. You have the option to leave your funds invested with your elected vendor or you can contact them for information regarding options for accessing the funds via direct distribution or rollover after you have separated from employment.
TIAA: National Call Center 1-800-842-2776; www.tiaa-cref.org
VALIC: Jennifer Braun-Blanco; 800-892-5558 X87597
Supplemental Retirement Plans
If you are enrolled in any of the PERSI Choice 401(k) plan, and/or the 403(b) or 457(b) supplemental retirement plans, you have the option of leaving your funds invested with your elected vendor or you can contact them for information regarding options for accessing your funds via direct distribution or rollover after your last day of employment. Contact information for the vendors is included in this document.
Make sure to check the State Department of Labor for guidelines on unemployment and how to file a claim.
We are committed to assisting our employees when they apply for unemployment. Please contact Payroll@boisestate.edu with questions or concerns.