Boise State University offers financial protection through its life insurance benefits. The Principal Life Insurance Company is the insurance carrier and administrator. To help you better understand each benefit, the Office of Group Insurance created brief summary documents for each. You will find the links to these summary documents at the bottom of this page.
Basic Life and AD&D Insurance
The University automatically provides Basic Life Insurance coverage equal to one times your annual pay, with a minimum coverage of $20,000. This insurance also provides $10,000 of life insurance for your spouse and $5,000 for each eligible dependent child. In the event of accidental death of the employee, a benefit of one times annual pay is paid in addition to the Basic Life benefit.
Voluntary Term Life Insurance
The State Office of Group Insurance offers a Voluntary Term Life Insurance Plan (VTL) for employees, spouses, and children. All active benefits-eligible employees will have the opportunity to purchase coverage equal to 1x, 2x, or 3x their annual salaries’ worth of coverage (maximum of $500,000) as well as spouse and child life insurance coverages.
The cost of this term insurance is based on your age and amount of coverage and changes over time, according to this premium schedule. There is guaranteed acceptance for employees enrolling within 30 days from the date they become eligible.
If you enroll in Voluntary Term Life (VTL) coverage more than 31 days after your date of hire, you will be required to provide Proof of Good Health for yourself and any dependents you add to this coverage
Spouse Coverage
Premiums for Spouse Coverage are based on the employee’s age.
Please note
Benefit coverage for spouses over age 70 is limited to $10,000 unless Evidence of Insurability is completed and approved by the carrier for coverage up to $50,000.
Child Coverage
If this coverage is elected, the total monthly premium is $2.00 regardless of the number of children in the employee’s family.
The basic life and AD&D voluntary term life insurance contracts can be found here.
NCPERS Life Insurance
(National Conference of Public Employees Retirement Systems)
Please note: Employees who elect this optional insurance MUST be enrolled in the PERSI retirement plan. It is not available to ORP (TIAA-CREF or VALIC) members.
The Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho (PERSI) contracts with Prudential for the NCPERS supplemental life insurance plan. This is decreasing term life insurance coverage for active PERSI members and their families, with a monthly premium of $16 paid through payroll deduction. The NCPERS benefit consists of employee life and accident insurance combination that decreases in value as the employee ages. There is also coverage for spouses and dependent children.
Employees can enroll within 30 days of the date employment begins or during the annual open enrollment period which is usually during October.
Contact Information:
Member Benefits, Inc.
(800) 525-8056
Find out more:
In This Section:
- Who is Eligible for Coverage?
- Benefits, PERSI, and ACA Eligibility
- Healthcare
- Flexible Spending Accounts
- Family and Medical Leave
- Employee Assistance Program
- Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D)
- Retirement
- Time Away From Work
- Voluntary Benefits
- Tuition Fee Waiver
- Other Benefits
- Life Events
- Benefits Forms
- End of Employment Compensation and Benefits