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Time Entry & Absences

Time entry and absences are entered through Bronco Hub via

Most faculty and professional staff are exempt employees and paid a bi-weekly salary, meaning you only enter time off, or absences, in Bronco Hub.

Classified staff, student employees, and all other hourly non-exempt staff should enter their hours worked each week every Monday. Time cards will route to your line manager (supervisor) for approval.

A few unique groups of employees will continue to enter their hours worked in alternate electronic time keeping systems.

If you are unsure about whether you are an hourly employee or when time entry is required, please ask your direct supervisor.

Payroll Due Dates Google Calendar (Add-on for Reminders).

Employee Time Entry Resources

Employee time entry is due every Monday.

Line Manager (Supervisor) Time & Absence Approval Resources

Time approval is due every Monday.

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