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Leadership is the art of guiding individuals and teams toward a shared goal. It’s the driving force behind organizational growth and achievement, serving as the compass that sets direction and motivates employees to give work meaning, navigate challenges, and make a positive impact.

Boise State will use employee feedback to better understand overall supervisor and leader effectiveness, identify areas for enhanced supervisory and leadership training, assess the effectiveness of communication pathways and measure the overall success in connecting the university’s mission to the work done by employees throughout the organization.


Leadership Average pie chart - Results on page.
  • 66% Agree
  • 19% Neutral
  • 15% Disagree

*Agree is combined with Strongly Agree and Agree; Disagree is combined with Disagree and Strongly Disagree

QuestionStrongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
My immediate supervisor has the expertise and ability to help me and my work team/departmental colleagues succeed.56%28%7%7%2%
Generally, my team/department head is responsive to the needs of faculty and/or staff.52%28%10%6%4%
I have a clear understanding of the vision and mission of my team/department.52%28%10%6%4%
I have a clear understanding of our vision and mission at Boise State.30%46%15%6%3%
My immediate supervisor regularly provides feedback about my performance.42%32%15%6%5%
My division/college fosters a culture of health and wellness.30%37%21%9%3%
Leaders within my division/college provide the necessary support for my team/department to be successful.30%34%20%11%5%
Leaders within my division/college understand the challenges facing my team/department.27%32%20%16%5%
Decisions that impact my role are transparently communicated in a timely manner by leaders within my division/college.25%31%20%15%9%
University leadership makes clear efforts to ensure my needs are met, such as resources, technology, and training to do my job effectively.15%40%26%13%6%
I am given the opportunity to provide feedback to University leaders.13%33%30%16%8%
When the university makes changes, the reasoning is clearly communicated.11%34%31%18%6%
Overall Average32%34%19%11%4%