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Engagement is the emotional commitment of employees to their work and the university’s success. It’s a shared responsibility to create a work environment that offers meaningful work, supports employee well-being, communicates goals and aspirations, and provides ongoing growth and development opportunities. Engaged employees are highly productive, have a clear sense of purpose, enjoy camaraderie and collaboration, feel valued and appreciated, and experience a healthy work-life balance.

Boise State will use the survey results to understand whether employees feel connected to the university and how supported they feel in their career journey. The information will help the university better understand the effectiveness of internal communications, satisfaction with current professional development offerings, and how well the university fosters an environment that encourages employee growth.


Engagement Average pie chart - Results on page.
  • 72% Agree
  • 17% Neutral
  • 11% Disagree*

*Agree is combined with Strongly Agree and Agree; Disagree is combined with Disagree and Strongly Disagree

QuestionStrongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
I know what I need to do to be successful in my job.51%34%9%4%2%
I feel my immediate supervisor is fully aware of my skills and abilities associated with my roles and responsibilities.53%29%7%7%4%
I feel my performance is fairly evaluated.49%29%13%5%4%
I am provided the information, tools, and technologies I need to do my job properly.30%44%15%8%3%
I am provided the time and resources necessary to engage in learning and development opportunities.41%32%14%8%5%
I am encouraged to learn new skills.36%37%18%6%3%
University events are made accessible to me.25%46%21%6%2%
I am given opportunities to be creative and innovative.36%33%20%7%4%
I believe that, generally, my workload is reasonable for my role.26%41%13%13%7%
I see a clear tie between Boise State’s strategic plan and the work that I do.27%39%23%7%4%
It is easy to access the Human Resources department and its services.22%40%25%9%4%
I feel I have a future and career opportunities at Boise State.26%36%23%10%5%
Overall Average35%37%17%7%4%