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2024 Survey Overview

About the Survey

Engaged employees are foundational to building a thriving working and learning campus community. Boise State recognizes the importance of providing employees an opportunity to share their workday experiences through an employee experience survey.

At Boise State University, we value our employees as much as we do our students. Employees’ dedication and expertise form the foundation of the university’s success and its commitment to fostering a thriving work environment where everyone in the Bronco community can feel valued, engaged, and supported.

In October 2024, campus surveyed its employees to understand what’s working well, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately cultivate a positive, empowering workplace.

The 2024 Employee Experience survey is a biennial, confidential survey conducted by the Offices of Human Resources and Workforce Strategy (HR) and the Institutional Effectiveness to gather valuable feedback on the experiences of Boise State University employees.

This survey delves into three key aspects of the employee experience:

  • Leadership: Employees explore their experience with communication, support, and guidance.
  • Culture: Employees share insights on teamwork, collaboration, and the overall work environment at Boise State.
  • Engagement: Employees reflect on their sense of purpose, motivation, and overall commitment to the university.

Analyzing Survey Results

The survey utilized a Likert scale, with responses ranging from Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree to Strongly Disagree. Visual aids, such as pie charts, illustrate the percentage of responses in each group (Agree, Neutral, Disagree), while bar graphs can be used to compare responses across different sections (leadership, culture and engagement).

Changes from 2022 Employee Survey

In 2022, HR launched the Supervisor Survey. Feedback from that survey caused HR’s focus to shift from the supervisor-employee relationship to the three pillars of the employee experience: leadership, culture, and engagement. These changes were made to ensure broader coverage of employee experiences and alignment of questions to all employee classifications. HR plans to repeat this survey every two years.

In 2025, we will post the overall university results for 2024. In two years, we will share results from each division and college, giving leadership two years to work toward their team’s objectives.

Assurance of Confidentiality

Employee privacy is an important component of this survey, so the Offices of Human Resources and Institutional Effectiveness have gone to great lengths to ensure the survey highlights the most significant data points while safeguarding participant identities. More information on survey information, confidentiality and use of data can be found in the survey FAQ document. 

Survey Taken Oct. 14 – 28, 2024

The survey began on Monday, October 14, 2024 and remained open for two (2) weeks, and closed on Monday, October 28, 2024 at 11:55 p.m. The survey results will be available to campus in Spring 2025.

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