Rate your overall satisfaction with your employee experience at
Boise State University.

- 32% Very satisfied
- 51% Satisfied
- 15% Dissatisfied
- 2% Very dissatisfied
This scale is unique in the survey. This rating scale does not have a neutral rating and provides respondents with Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Dissatisfied and Very Dissatisfied.
I would refer someone to work at Boise State.

- 73% Agree
- 19% Neutral
- 8% Disagree*
*Agree is combined with Strongly Agree and Agree; Disagree is combined with Disagree and Strongly Disagree
My unique attributes, traits, characteristics, skills, experience,
and background are valued at work.

- 75% Agree
- 14% Neutral
- 11% Disagree*
*Agree is combined with Strongly Agree and Agree; Disagree is combined with Disagree and Strongly Disagree