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Video Transcript: Bronco Cribs | Keiser and Taylor Halls

Video Transcript

[Annika] Hi, my name is Annika.
I’m a freshman studying sociology, and here’s my Keiser Bronco Crib.
Come on in.
Hi, welcome in! This is the living room in our suite. It came with these two couches and chairs. A table with three chairs, some coffee tables. Everyone that lives in this suite has contributed to the decorations. You see, we have had Christmas decorations up and flags from tree fort. We even keep a lot of our personal stuff in here, like our bikes, because we have really good access to the greenbelt. Something you need to know about this hall is that it’s very similar to Taylor Hall. And then these dorms are all part of the DKMT family, which is the four residence halls in this area. Keiser is the main one that has our lobby downstairs. And that’s where you come to get all your mail and packages. We also have a kitchen downstairs with really modern appliances. And my favorite part is when it smells like freshly baked cookies. And then we also have laundry on the second floor. And that’s been a really easy thing to use for all the residents here.
So if you come with me down the hallway, I’ll show you my room. When I was looking at floor plans at Boise State, I really liked the shared bathroom in the shared living space. So I decided on Keiser over Taylor. I do have seven other suitemates and I have a single room, but the suite consists of singles and doubles. And this is my room. And when we moved in, it came with this mattress and bed frame. And you can actually request a different height if you’d like. I like this one just because it allows me to put things under my bed and just get it out of the way. It also came with a desk and a desk chair, a dresser, and a trash can. I also have loved decorating. I have so many pictures that just kind of represent me. Of course, my love for Taylor Swift and just all around the color.
This is my closet. I am about 5’ 3” and this closet is really tall. But they’re not all like that. It’s just because of the power box in this specific room. all the closets also come with a shelf at the top, which allows you to put bins up there and just kind of put things away that you don’t need every single day.
One thing that’s really nice about this room is the outlet situation. I do have a lot of outlets. I have about two on each wall. I haven’t really had an issue here. Finding an outlet. One thing that’s really convenient is that my bedroom is right next to the bathroom. We do have two bathrooms in this suite, and since there’s eight of us, we’ve been sharing four and four In this bathroom we have a double vanity with a lot of drawer space, which is really nice for keeping cleaning supplies and toilet paper and things like that.
And we all just kind of share the drawers. In this part of the bathroom is where the toilet and the shower are,
and we’ve come up with a pretty good schedule and we haven’t have any kind of problems like that. So it’s been really nice sharing. Well, that’s about it in our suite at Kaiser. It was really nice for you to come by, and I’m glad I got to show you around, and I’ll see you on campus. Bye!