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Review the FAQs below to learn more about how the seven Living Learning Communities (LLCs) that make up the Living Learning Program (LLP) offers more adventure, more community and more learning opportunities.

Is there a separate application that needs to be filled out before the housing application to be a part of an LLP?

The LLC questions are integrated with the Housing Application.

Review these steps for preferencing LLCs. You can prepare your answers to the two short-response questions ahead of time.

When you select your “Community Preferences” on the housing application, be sure to include as many of the LLCs you’d like to be considered for.

What are the benefits of being part of an LLC?

You’ll get more out of your Boise State experience in the LLP: more adventure, more community, and more learning opportunities. Students in the LLCs get to connect with professors and other first-year students in intentional communities aimed to help first-year students succeed in the university environment.

How and when will I know if I have been accepted into an LLC?

The LLC faculty will review your answers to the LLC-related questions on the housing application and your living requests. If you are accepted, you’ll be assigned into an LLC and notified of your community assignment before the semester begins. Make sure you are checking your BroncoMail account to stay up to date.

Is there an additional cost to be part of an LLC?

Yes. There is a $65 per semester program fee that directly covers the costs of events, activities, and trips with your LLC. You will not incur additional expenses with LLP-related opportunities. This is quite a deal and we recommend that you plan on participating in as much as you can to fully engage in the experience. See more about the typical LLC adventures.

Do I take a class when I am part of an LLC?

Yes. Each LLC has a 1-credit class during each fall and spring semesters that is connected to the theme of the community and taught by the professors. Class for each community is held on Tuesdays from 4:30-5:45 pm. each semester. Learn more about the Living Learning Program classes.

Is there anything extra that I will need to do throughout the school year as a part of an LLC?

Students in the LLCs take a one-credit class on Tuesdays from 4:30-5:45 pm throughout the year; there are also events, programs, and community service opportunities that you will not want to miss out on and are covered as part of the $65 program fee.

If I am selected for an LLC, do I get to participate in roommate matching?

Yes. If you are assigned to an LLC you still are able to participate in roommate matching to “match” with another student in your assigned LLC. You will not be able to match with students who are in other residence halls or LLCs.

Do I have to live in the residence hall where a LLC is located or can I participate from another space on campus?

You do need to live within the specific block of rooms in the specified residence hall which is held for each LLC. You cannot participate in a LLC and be assigned elsewhere on campus or live off-campus.

If being in a LLC is my top choice, how should I select my Living Request preferences on the housing application?

We would recommend that you place all of the LLC that you are interested in within the top options. You can then put general residence hall preferences in next. This will ensure you are fully considered for a LLC.

What is it like living with a professor in the community?

Professors within a LLC – called “Faculty-in-Residence” (FIR) – live in their own designated apartment within the residence hall. They often have a spouse or partner living with them, along with kiddos and pets. In addition to teaching the 1-credit weekly community class for the academic year, these professors serve as mentors, coaches, and advisors – basically, an additional resource to help support you in your first year of college. The professors also work with the student leadership team to plan activities, adventures, and opportunities to connect on a more casual basis. Learn more about the professors by visiting the community pages and reading their bios.

Do you live with others with the same major?

It depends on the LLC you are in. Some of the communities are major or career specific, such as the Business and Economics, Engineering and Innovation and Health Professions communities. The To Be Declared community is specifically geared for those students who are unsure of their major or career path and want to explore options. Others are geared towards interests, such as the Adventure Idaho, Artists in Residence Together, and Leadership & Engagement communities. See more about each of the Living Learning Communities.

Are halls co-ed? Are suites co-ed?

All of our residence halls are co-ed, however, the suites are single-gendered.

I am on the waitlist. If I apply for the LLC, will I be removed from the waitlist?

If you apply and are assigned to a space in one of the LLC you will be removed from the general housing waitlist. The LLCare specialized opportunities – we are looking for students who really want to be part of them, not simply looking for a housing space on campus.

I applied for the LLCs but my choices are filled. How do I update my housing application to show that I am interested in other LLCs?

Log into your housing application and edit your “Community Preferences” and add any other LLCs you would like to be considered for.  Be sure to let the LLP staff know you’ve made a change by emailing us at!

I have the LLCs on my Community Preferences but lower down on the list. Does it matter if I change where they are in my preferences?

Updating your application to be part of an LLC does not change your priority for on-campus housing, but because we have an additional application process, not all students are qualified.  Moving your LLC choices higher up in your Community Preferences actually increases your chance of getting assigned a space in that Living Learning Community. Just let LLP staff know you’ve made a change by emailing us at!