Each Living Learning Community is connected to a credit-baring class for both fall and spring semesters. Taking these classes is part of the requirement for being part of the Living Learning Program.
All LLP classes meet separately on Tuesdays from 4:30-5:45 pm. Having a common time allows the opportunity for larger, all-class activities, guest speakers, and special events throughout the year.
The Faculty-in/out-of Residence teach these classes and the Community Assistants, an additional student leader within the Living Learning Communities, provide additional academic assistance in and outside of the class.
LLC classes are aimed to provide you with support as you transition to college and to help you engage with your major, explore different career opportunities or explore a specific topic of interest.
LLC classes offer a workshop or experiential approach to help students learn through doing and often include field trips and site visits. The classes provide one elective credit each semester and are graded so contribute to GPAs.
Class Information for Living Learning Communities
Class information for each Living Learning Community is listed below for your reference:
Community | Subject | Class Name |
Adventure Idaho (AIC) | Arts & Sciences | ARTSCI 150 – Section 002 |
Bronco Fit (BFit) | Kinesiology | KINES 150 |
Business and Economics (COBE) | Business | BUS 150 |
Communication and Exploration (CEC) | Arts & Sciences | ARTSCI 150 – Section 001 |
Engineering and Innovation (EIC) | Engineering Science | ENGR 150 |
Health Professions (HPC) | Health | HLTH 150 |
Leadership and Engagement (LEC) | School of Public Service | SPS 150 |
To Be Declared (TBD) | Arts & Sciences | ARTSCI 150 – Section 003 |
As an incoming student selected for a Living Learning Community, you will receive additional information needed to sign up for your specific class. If possible, try to avoid signing up for other classes on Tuesdays after the LLC class, as there are often other activities to enjoy, including a meal together with those in your community.
Please see the individual community pages off the main Living Learning Program page for more information about what the related class may entail.