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Apply for a Living Learning Community

The Housing Lottery for the Fall 2024 – Spring 2025 Application will open the week of March 18. Once the application is live, it can be accessed through the Housing Portal. 

Ready to get started?

Complete the Housing Application and pay the application fee and down payment. Review these steps for referencing LLPs within the housing application.

You can be ahead of the game by preparing answers for the two LLC short response questions – faculty will be looking for at least two complete sentences per response:

  • LLCs focus on academic success, working with others, and making connections on campus and in the community. What about this appeals to you and why?
  • What are specific ways you see yourself positively influencing a community like the LLCs you have selected?

There is a $65 per semester LLP fee that covers all of the adventures, connections, and learning you will enjoy as part of a Living Learning Community! The fee is not billed until just before each semester begins.

Apply Now for a Living Learning Community

How and when will I know if I have been accepted into a Living Learning Community?

The LLP faculty will review your application answers and living requests. If you are accepted, you’ll be assigned to a Living Learning Community and notified of your community assignment before the semester begins. Make sure you are checking your BroncoMail account to stay up to date.

Also see our FAQs for more info.