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Waitlist FAQ

Understanding the Waitlist Process

On-Campus Waitlist FAQ

I was placed on the waitlist for on-campus housing, what does that mean?

Due to limited availability, we cannot guarantee that all applicants will receive a housing assignment. We recommend that students who are placed on the on-campus waitlist look at off-campus resources in the event we cannot provide housing.

Where can I find my waitlist position?

If placed on the waitlist, you will receive an email to your Boise State email account weekly with your updated position number.

If I am put on the waitlist, am I on the waitlist for my top preference or on the waitlist for on-campus housing?

If placed on the waitlist, you are on the waitlist for all on-campus housing. Our priority for students on the waitlist is to get them into on-campus housing. This means that if a spot becomes available and it does not match the preferences listed in your application, we will assign you to the space.

Will changing my preferences on my application affect the likelihood of me getting on-campus housing?

No. When on the waitlist, you are on the waitlist for all of campus, not a specific community. Changing your preferences will not affect what position you are on the waitlist.

Why is on-campus housing not guaranteed?

Since it is not a requirement for students to live on-campus, we cannot guarantee that we can provide housing to all applicants. If you are placed on the waitlist, we recommend looking through our Off-Campus Marketplace for additional information regarding apartments in the area and safe ways to meet roommates off-campus.

Where can I find off-campus housing information?

The Boise State Off-Campus Marketplace is a resource that will help students, faculty, and staff with their search for apartments near campus if you are on a waitlist or want to secure housing now.

If I am on the waitlist, does the July 15th cancellation deadline apply to me?

No. The July 15th deadline only applies to students who have received a community assignment.

If you receive an assignment prior to July 15th, that deadline will apply to you.

If you receive an assignment after July 15th, you will have 72 hours to cancel and avoid the cancellation fee.

If I find a place off-campus, do I need to cancel my application?

Yes. If you apply for on-campus housing and your plans have changed, you will need to cancel your application. If your application is not canceled, you could potentially be assigned a spot. To cancel your application, please use our Cancel Application guide.

If I decline enrollment, do I need to cancel my housing application?

Yes. If your plans have changed and you are no longer coming to Boise State and have an active application through Housing, you will need to enter your Housing Portal to cancel your application.