Application Process
When can I apply for housing as a Sophomore and Above student for Fall 2025 – Spring 2026?
Sophomores and Above students are invited to apply the week of February 17.
Is there a priority deadline for the Sophomore and Above Housing Application?
Apply by February 21 to be included in the Room Selection process. Students who apply after that day can still receive housing based on availability.
How will I be notified of my housing assignment?
Housing assignments will be communicated to you through official Boise State communication channels, so be sure to regularly check your Boise State email and the housing portal for updates.
How can I increase my chances of getting on-campus housing?
Apply before February 21 at 11:59 p.m. (MST).
What happens if I apply after the priority deadline?
Students who apply after the priority deadline will still receive a Room Selection Timeslot. However, available options may be limited.
Is on-campus housing guaranteed?
Due to limited availability, we cannot guarantee on-campus housing to everyone who applies. We have recently added more Sophomore and Above beds to accommodate as many students as possible. The Boise State Off-Campus Marketplace is a resource that will help students, faculty, and staff with their search for apartments near campus if you are on the waitlist or want to secure housing now.
Logging In
How will I log into the housing portal?
Once the application opens, the link to the housing portal will be posted on our homepage and will also be linked HERE. Make sure you are using the same login information as your My.BoiseState page. If that is not working for you, please contact the Help Desk for assistance at helpdesk@boisestate.edu or (208) 426-4357.
I don’t know my Student ID number, where do I go to find it?
Your student ID number can be found on your Student Center, accessed through My.BoiseState.edu. It is found on that front page on the Update Personal Info Box.

Application Fees
How much does it cost to apply for housing?
- A $75 nonrefundable application fee is due when you apply for university housing
- Your application will not be processed until the application fee is received
Can the application fee be deferred?
This is possible and may be based on financial need. Submit a request here. If you have any questions please contact the Housing Business Office for more information at housingbusinessoffice@boisestate.edu.
Can I pay the application fee through check or money order? Can I pay over the phone?
Payments must be made via Credit or Debit card. Our office does not take other payment methods. For more information regarding payments, please contact the Student Financial Office at sfinfo@boisestate.edu or (208) 426-1212.
What are accommodations?
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Boise State is considered a public accommodation and may not discriminate against people with disabilities. Boise State must provide equal access to all people by removal of physical barriers, provision of auxiliary aides, and “make reasonable changes in policies, practices and procedures to avoid discrimination.”- Source: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
What if I need a single room, support animal, or another housing accommodation due to a medical need?
By law, students with disabilities do not have to self-disclose or register with the Educational Access Center or Housing and Residence Life. However, if you are seeking reasonable housing accommodations or adjustments, you must contact the Educational Access Center.
Requests for Housing accommodations received by May 1 will get priority. Make your request for accommodations as soon as you apply for housing so we have the information we need to make the accommodations as early in the assignment process as possible.
All housing accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis as follows:
- Contact the Educational Access Center and follow their documentation process.
- Educational Access Center will contact Housing and Residence Life with their recommendations of reasonable accommodations to be made for you.
- Housing and Residence Life will notify you of your specific assignment and accommodation via your Boise State email account within two business days.
- If accommodations cannot be made due to space availability, you will be notified about the delay and what to expect next.
Assignments and Waitlists
When will I find out my room selection time slot?
After participating in roommate matching, Sophomore and Above students will be sent a room selection time slot to their Boise State email on March 12.
How do I select my roommates?
Roommate matching will be available from February 24 to March 7 for Sophomore and Above students who applied by February 21. This roommate matching tool will enable you to see, meet, and request one other student as your roommate. Please frequently monitor your Boise State email and you’ll get more information regarding when and how to log in to roommate matching.
I received a room selection time slot, but my chosen roommate received a different selection time slot. How do we make sure we get to live together?
When you go to select your room, our system will prompt you to assign your chosen roommate to an adjacent bed/ room in the same suite.Â
How do I pay for housing and when is the first payment due?
You have two options, you can pay in full for the semester at the beginning of the billing period of you can enroll in a payment plan. The payment plan is opt-in. Here’s how to set up a payment plan. There is no fee to enroll, however, you must enroll by July 24 to have your semester fees split into 4 payments. The first payment for the Fall semester is due the day before move-in.
Contract Period
What are the contract dates for the residence halls?
The Residence Hall, Suites, Townhomes, and Meal Plan Agreement is a legally binding agreement that covers the full academic year (fall and spring semesters). Students must be enrolled full-time (12 credits or more) to be eligible to continue to live on campus.
The housing costs for the agreement do not include the winter break. Often the cost of staying in the halls during winter break is waived when a student lives on campus for the full academic year. However, cancellation fees may apply if a student leaves on-campus housing mid-year or is no longer enrolled in enough credits to remain in housing. If you plan to stay on campus during any break period, please notify us by completing a break request.
We hope this FAQ answers your questions about the housing process for Fall 2025 – Spring 2026. If you have any further inquiries or need assistance during the application process, please don’t hesitate to contact our housing team for support.
Last Updated: 02/04/2025