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Honors Requirements

To remain in the Honors College, all students must complete the following:

  1. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25
  2. Successfully participate in the Honors Welcome Program
  3. Maintain progress within Honors curriculum (typically at least one Honors course per year)
  4. Successfully complete all Honors Signature Courses (students who receive a C- in an Honors Signature Course are subject to dismissal from the program)
  5. Attend an official annual meeting with their Head of House
  6. Abide by the Honors Student Conduct expectations

Note: Remaining a member of the Honors College means making a sincere commitment for the full academic (Fall and Spring) year. If you wish to withdraw from Honors, you may voluntarily exit the program by completing a Withdrawal Form once the spring semester ends.

Probation & Disenrollment

Students who fall below a cumulative 3.25 GPA will be placed on probation for a semester.

  • If their cumulative GPA rises at least 3.25 the following semester, they will return to good standing in Honors.
  • If their semester GPA is strong but their cumulative GPA does not reach 3.25, they may work with an Honors advisor to petition for extended probation.
  • If their GPA does not significantly improve, they will be dismissed from Honors until they are able to raise their GPA to 3.25 and request reinstatement to the program.

Students who fail to meet the other retention requirements are subject to immediate dismissal from the program. The Honors College will review written petitions from students with extenuating circumstances who seek to remain in the program.