Each fellowship process is unique, but they often follow a general progression. The following are typical steps that applicants should take.
- Do some research. Use our Fellowship List as a starting point.
- Decide the award(s) you are interested in, make note of the relevant deadlines, and complete the Fellowship Intake Form.
- Familiarize yourself with the awarding foundation’s website and application form. You should be extremely familiar with the information provided.
- Begin drafting your essay(s). Most essays go through at least 6-8 drafts before they are submitted, and those changes take time. This is why we recommend you start the process months before the application deadline. A fellowship advisor will provide feedback on your drafts, and we always encourage you to visit the Writing Center for additional support.
- Identify and contact the people that will write your letters of recommendation. These are not simple letters to write, so we recommend that you give your writers as much time as possible to write your letters. If possible, aim for at least multiple weeks’ notice.
- Gather any institutional documents like transcripts, language requirements etc. Fellowship advisors can help you acquire some of the more difficult documents, such as language evaluations for languages not taught by Boise State faculty.
- If required, go through an evaluation by campus committee. Some grants require you to be interviewed by a panel of professors and/or other campus representatives. The Fellowship Advisors will provide you more information on this process if you apply for a grant that requires university nomination.
- Hit submit! We recommend that you try to submit your applications a few days in advance of the deadline in order to safeguard against technical malfunctions at the last minute. The wait time on applications varies from fellowship to fellowship. Some will let you know your results within a few weeks; others can take up to 10 months to let you know.