In Spring 2017, the Honors College Alumni Chapter Mentoring Committee piloted a professional alumni mentoring program for graduating Honors College seniors. Since then the program has been growing each year and last year the program successfully facilitated a total of 26 mentorship relationships that proved a great help to Honors students.
The goal of the HCAC Mentoring Program is to assist both junior and senior students with preparing for life after graduation and transition seamlessly from academic to professional life. We have seen firsthand that mentors can play a key role in making this happen, and our mentors do so by walking mentees through tasks such as writing a resume, preparing for interviews, and, most importantly, networking across their field.
We also have seen great benefits for mentors. Besides feeling pride and satisfaction in helping an Honors College graduate transition smoothly into professional life, you’ll develop confidence and likely a greater appreciation of your accomplishments. Also, mentoring skills can be a significant asset to your career and leadership development!