Our Master of Arts in History program is divided into three tracks.
- Thesis Track: this track offers the student a course of study that leads to the writing of a Master’s Thesis (80-100 pages). The thesis is a major scholarly work that is the capstone of the program. This track trains research historians. Often, students who pursue the thesis option have ambitions of heading on to a Ph.D. program where thesis work contributes later to a Ph.D. dissertations. However, sometimes students choose this track to gain higher level research and writing skills that can be utilized in a number of ways in the job market.
- Public History Track: this track is designed to train professionals in public history. Public history emphasizes the skills and knowledge necessary for engagement with the community in a non-academic way. A public historian is academically trained but uses their knowledge to converse with a public audience. Practitioners may make documentary films, work in a museum, a national park, a historic site. provide historical tours, or run history themed websites. The training specializes in how to engage effectively with a non-academic audience. Our program does not micro-specialize in narrow skills such archival studies or preservation but instead focuses on the ability to communicate complex history to diverse audiences and perhaps influence public debate. The department expects the same level of rigor and quality in labor, research, and expertise of public history students as of students on other MA tracks. Students complete a Project which is a research study that leads to a public history demonstration along with a written narrative. Recognizing that public history projects of different types provide different challenges and opportunities to demonstrate a student’s level of mastery, the department requires that students and their committees agree upon a written portion to complement the public history demonstration. This written portion will typically take the form of a packet of written work accumulated and revised from the student’s coursework. Overall this packet must demonstrate scholarly competence in writing, research, analysis, and historical documentation and will be from 60-80 pages.
- Educator Track ONLINE: this track offers the student a course of study that involves graduate level history content classes, an advanced level teaching class as well as practical work with Master Teacher workshop labs and the development of a portfolio that showcases the student’s advance development in teaching history. This track does not require a thesis, however, the department expects the same level of rigor and quality in labor, research, and expertise of Educator Track history students as of students on other MA tracks. The Educator Track is offered remotely online and is designed to be part time program to reach the wider community of Secondary Educators working full time throughout Idaho and the region. Please see our LINK to more information on the NEW online MA Educator track on the MAIN MENU.
We specialize in the following multidisciplinary areas (But please see the faculty page for the specializations of each of our 15 faculty members)
- Public History
- Environmental History
- Religious History
- Military History
- History of Racism
- Gender History
- Constitutional and Intellectual History
- Migration and Refugee History
- Police History
- Economic History
- Historical Archaeology
- Our Department organizes classes into three major areas for both undergraduates and graduates. These are broad categories and all of our classes fit into one of them.
- West: The Western Hemisphere (North and South America and Oceana).
- East: The Eastern Hemisphere (Europe, Africa, and Asia).
- Global: Classes such as “Weapons of Mass Destruction.”
Degree Requirements
The three tracks in the Master of Arts program each require 33 credits to graduate. There are no foreign language requirements. However, if a student chooses a topic that requires a foreign language for research then the student must have a knowledge of that language or they will have to choose another topic.
In This Section:
- Application Procedures
- Applying to the History Graduate Program — READ CAREFULLY
- Boise State History Graduate Students in Action
- Completed Graduate Projects and Theses
- Current Graduate Students and What They Are Researching
- Graduate Advising Information
- Graduate Course Offerings
- The Project
- Thesis Option
- Topics of Past MA Theses and Projects
- Admissions Procedures
- Funding and Fellowships