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Application Procedures

The history department accepts new candidates for the fall or spring semesters. To be admitted for the fall semester,  applications must be completed prior to January 15. Those seeking to start in the spring semester must submit applications by September 15th. Only applications entering in the fall and meeting the January 15th deadline will be eligible for departmental funding during their first semester.

By these deadlines the student will need to have deposited the following with the graduate college via the online application process:

  • Application fee
  • Application form
  • Transcripts from all schools of higher education previously attended
  • A letter of application explaining why the student wishes to be admitted to the history program
  • A sample of the applicant’s writing skills (e.g., seminar paper, senior thesis, or published article)
  • At least two letters of recommendation from persons competent to judge the applicant’s potential for graduate study in history
  • Provide Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores
  • One year of a foreign language is required to graduate; the language credits will not count towards the degree
  • Until a student completes the language requirement, s/he will retain provisional status.

The History Department can take no action on the application until all of the above materials have been received.