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Joanne Klein

Joanne Klein portrait with mountains and a body of water in the background


Modern European Comparative History
History of Police


Ph.D., Rice University
M.A., Brandeis University

Joanne Klein studied Comparative History at Brandeis University where she received her M.A. in 1988 and studied History at Rice University where she received her Ph.D. in 1992. She teaches courses in Modern Comparative European History,  including European Socialism, World War I, and film history. She also teaches the history of Police. She is active in the Criminal Justice network of the European Social Science History Conference. She administers the network Facebook page, at Facebook: Criminal Justice Network

She has presented papers at SSHA conferences as well as at the European Social Science History Conference, the Carleton Conference on the History of the Family, the International Congress of Historical Sciences, the Social History Society of the United Kingdom, and various regional conferences. Her book, Invisible Men: the Secret Lives of Police Constables in Liverpool, Manchester, and  Birmingham, 1900-1939, was published by Liverpool University Press in 2010. In addition to her work on policing, she is engaged in the project, “Inscribed in Stone: A study of grave stones in God’s Acre, Winston-Salem, NC,” with funding from an Idaho Humanities Council Research Fellowship grant. While not teaching and researching, she enjoys playing Diplomacy, a game of strategy and tactics.

Contact – On sabbatical for academic year 2024-2025

Office: L183
Phone: (208) 426-3248

Spring 2025 Office Hours:


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On sabbatical for academic year 2024-2025