Charles Matson Odahl earned BA and MA degrees in History and Classical Languages from the California State University system, and a doctorate in Greek, Roman and Medieval Church History from the University of California, San Diego, with field work in Roman numismatics and early Christian architecture (1976). He served as Professor of Ancient & Medieval History and Classical & Patristic Latin at Boise State University in Idaho for over thirty years; and has also taught Ancient Roman and Medieval European History at the University of Avignon in France, at Bath College of Higher Education in Britain, and at Oregon State University in Oregon.
His main research interests are Cicero and the Roman Republic, early Christianity, and Constantine and the Byzantine Empire. He has traveled, lived, studied and taught across Europe, the Near East, and North Africa, and examined the most important historical sites, museum artifacts and architectural monuments of the Roman, early Christian and Byzantine Eras around the world. He has published fifty articles and reviews in scholarly journals, and five books, including his best sellers on Cicero and the Catilinarian Conspiracy (New York & London: Routledge, 2010 Hb & 2011 Pb), and Constantine and the Christian Empire (London & New York: Routledge, 1st ed. 2004 Hb & 2006 Pb; 2nd ed. 2010 Hb & 2013 Pb – also available as e-books, and in Romanian, Serbian and Polish translations.
He resides in the Pacific Northwest, and remains active in research and publications, and lectures on his specialties at universities, churches, and conferences across the country. A more detailed biography and a full list of his publications can be found at Charles M. Odahl/Boise State University – Academia.edu.
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