In November 2015, the HAHR (Hispanic American Historical Review) editorial team established an annual prize for the best book review published in the journal. This funded prize recognizes, in general, the very important ways that peer reviewing of books contributes to our profession. The editors will name each year an ad hoc committee to evaluate the reviews published in the immediately past volume of the journal and select the winner, based on the criteria of:
1. accurately summarizing the book’s contents and main arguments with a fair assessment of the book’s strengths and weaknesses;
2. innovative recommendations within a broad historiographical contextualization;
3. clarity and elegance of the reviewer’s writing style.

The journal is happy to congratulate Emily Wakild as the winner of HAHR’s inaugural book review prize, for her review ofThe Sociable Sciences: Darwin and His Contemporaries in Chile by Patience A. Schell, published in Hispanic American Historical Review vol. 94, no. 2. The prize committee commended this review for “the clarity of its writing and remarkably comprehensive synthesis it offers while also placing the book within the field
of the history of science in Latin America, all in the space of just a few pages.” The editors thank Emily Wakild, along with all those who have reviewed for HAHR, for contributing to this important aspect of the journal and our profession.
doi 10.1215/00182168-3484870