Dr. Lynn Lubamersky’s article, “Vigilante Violence vs. Freedom of Choice in Marriage: The Foray/Zajazd in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of the 18th Century,” originally published in a special edition of The History of the Family (2013) on “Domestic Disturbances, Patriarchal Values: Violence, Family and Sexuality in Early Modern Europe”. The article was original published as an edited volume on domestic violence in the early modern era in the journal The History of the Family and the journal was requested so much that the publisher decided to publish the issue as a book. This book will appear in a Taylor & Francis book coming out in August 2015.
In the recent film, Pan Tadeusz, or the Last Lithuanian Foray since Dr. Lubamersky’s article is about the foray as a means to settle family conflict over freedom of choice in marriage.

Additional illustrations from the film can be found here: http://culture.pl/pl/galeria/galeria-zdjec-z-filmu-pan-tadeusz-w-rez-andrzeja-wajdyÂ