In looking to fund your graduate education, the first thing to look at is the information on the Graduate College website here:
Below you will see additional opportunities or further explanation of some of the opportunities described at the Graduate College website.
Western Region Graduate Program
The History Graduate Program participates in WICHE, the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education and their Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP). WRGP is a tuition-discounting program. WRGP enables students from WICHE states (Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming) to enroll in more than 400 participating graduate programs and pay the enrolling institution’s resident tuition rate, instead of the nonresident rate that an out-of-state student would normally pay. At Boise State University we offer this opportunity on a competitive basis. The History department will recommend a small number of WGRP awards based upon merit for outstanding applicants. This recommendation goes to the Graduate College for a final decision.
Graduate Assistantships
The History Department offers Graduate Assistantships to outstanding applicants. Awardees receive a full fee waiver and a yearly stipend of $10,000 (as of 2020) and Health benefits. This position is often awarded for 2 years. Graduate assistants (also known as Teaching Assistants or TAs) are also allotted office space. Total value is $23,146 per academic year or $46,292 for the traditional two year assignment.
Graduate Assistants (Teaching Assistants or TAs) are assigned to a class one or two weeks before the beginning of the semester. During that period before class starts the Professor teaching the class and the TA discuss how the class will operate and the duties of the TA. Often those duties include grading, lecturing on occasion, preparation of class materials, research for the class, and collaboration. It can be a rewarding experience.
All new applicants are considered for the award. Or a student could apply by Jan. 15 of any year they are attending.
Discussion Group Leader — Graduate Assistant
The History Department periodically offers Discussion Group Leader (DGL) positions for graduate students. These positions are for the few University Foundations 100 (UF) classes taught by our history faculty. Each class requires a DGL to teach/lead 4 discussion sections attached to the class. DGL positions pay $11,000 per semester (as of 2020) but offer no other benefits. Along with teaching the discussion sections, students will 20 have grading duties but also may have the opportunity to lecture in the regular class and generally help with the course design as a whole. The call for applicants will be in February (for fall) and May (for spring).
History Department Travel Grants
Our department offers small grants to graduate students on a need basis of up to $1000 for travel related to research. This money can be spent on transportation, lodging, food, or copying etc. We will post notices in Spring for Travel Grants with the idea that the travel would take place during the summer (research time).
Graduate College Conference Travel Funding
The Graduate College has a limited number of travel funding opportunities that are available to graduate students at Boise State University for presentations at academic conferences (including performances, exhibitions, readings, and lecture recitals for graduate students in the arts). A panel of judges reviews applications and makes award recommendations to the Dean of the Graduate College. Reviews take place three times per year with submission deadlines on March 1, July 1, and November 1.
To apply go here:
Boise State University, College of Arts and Sciences, and History Department Scholarships
The University, College of Arts and Sciences, and the History Department offer several scholarships for graduate students. They are handled through one outlet. These change often so for more details go to Look specifically for information for Graduate Students. Do not overlook these opportunities.