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Admissions Procedures

Please note that all application materials (including GRE scores) are due by January 15th if one wishes to enroll in the fall and be considered for departmental funding. Those seeking to begin in the fall without funding must submit applications by March 15th. Those aiming for a spring enrollment must apply by September 15th.

Apply to Graduate College

There are two components to the online masters programs application:

1. Graduate College Admission Materials

You will need the following (students should also consult the Graduate Catalog for general admission information):

  • applications are made through the Graduate College application
  • the appropriate fee
  • official transcripts from every college or university that you have attended
  • your GRE general test scores

Transcripts and test scores should be sent to:

Graduate Admissions Office, MS-1110
Boise State University
1910 University Drive, Boise, ID 83725

2. Department of History Admission Materials

  • Letter of application: In this letter, you should explain why you wish to enter the graduate program, which field(s) you would like to study, why you think Boise State University can serve your needs, and which degree program you wish to enroll in.  If you wish to enroll in the traditional MA program, please also declare whether you hope to do the portfolio or thesis track.  You may also wish to address any obvious deficiencies in your academic record.
  • Two letters of recommendation: Ideally, these letters will come from people familiar with your work as a student, preferably from history professors. They should address your potential as a historian, your ability to work in a graduate program, and more generally your qualities as a student. When asking a professor for a letter of recommendation, be sure to provide your resume/CV, which program you are applying to, and the application deadline. This will make the process much easier for your professor and will ensure a prompt response.
  • Writing sample: This should reflect your abilities as a writer and a researcher. There is no page limit, but we would like to see a research paper of at least 10 pages that preferably uses both primary and secondary sources. It should have the full scholarly apparatus, including foot/end-notes and bibliography. The best sample would come from a history class, but other coursework can be used.

Once all of these materials are received by the history department via the online application process, the graduate program coordinator will circulate your file to three appropriate faculty members, who will evaluate it. Then, the department’s graduate program committee will examine your file and the faculty evaluations, and then recommend to the graduate dean to admit with regular status, admit with provisional status, or deny admission.

The graduate dean will make the final decision and notify you by email. An admission decision can be made in the absence of GRE scores, but the decision can only be to admit provisionally or deny admission. If you are admitted with provisional status without GRE scores, you will be required to submit GRE scores before the end of the first semester following your admission. For more information contact