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Health Sciences Camp Registration

Dates: June 16, 17, and 18
Cost: $350 Includes room, food and all activities.

Summer Camp Registration

Camper Information

Camper Name(Required)
Camper Email(Required)
Please tell us the school where the camper will be enrolled in Fall 2025.
Please tell us the grade the camper will begin in Fall 2025.
Please tell us how old the camper will be as of June 16, 2025 when the camp begins.
The camper’s phone number will only be used during the camp.
Federal guidelines mandate that we collect the legal sex of all applicants. Please report the sex currently listed on the camper’s birth certificate.
If camper’s gender identity differs from the sex currently listed on their birth certificate, please share that information here.
What is the camper's t-shirt size (Men's)?(Required)
We’re order camp shirts so we need to know the best size to order for you!
Please have the camper respond to this question.
Please have the camper respond to this question.

Parent or Legal Guardian Information

Parent or Legal Guardian's Name(Required)
Parent or Legal Guardian's Email(Required)

Emergency Contacts

Name of Primary Emergency Contact(Required)
Name of Secondary Emergency Contact(Required)

Health Statement

Please list any and all physical conditions that Boise State program staff should know which may affect or be affected by participation in this program.
If none, please enter “None.”
If none, please enter “None.”
If none, please enter “None.”
If none, please enter “None.”

Health Insurance Information

Policy Holder's Name(Required)
Please upload an image of the front of the insurance card. JPG, GIF, PNG, and TIFF files are allowed as long as they are less than 9 MB
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tiff, Max. file size: 10 MB.
Please upload an image of the front of the insurance card. JPG, GIF, PNG, and TIFF files are allowed as long as they are less than 9 MB
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tiff, Max. file size: 10 MB.


The registration fee of $350 includes the cost of lodging and food for three days and two nights and activities.

When you click the submit button, you will be redirected to our payment portal. You must pay the registration fee in order for your registration to be considered complete.

You should receive TWO emails when your registration is paid and complete.

  1. The first email will be to the camper’s email address and to the parent/legal guardian’s email address and will come from
  2. The second email will be a receipt for payment and will be sent to the email address that you enter on the final screen of the payment portal. This email will be sent from

If you do not receive both emails, please contact