Eric Martin, an associate professor in the Department of Kinesiology, recently had two articles published in academic journals. These publications reflect his dedication to pushing forward research in the field of kinesiology.
The first article “‘I Can’t Imagine Not Being an Athlete’: A Retrospective Qualitative Analysis of the Factors That Influence Sport Passion Development in Collegiate Athletes” published in the Journal For Advancing Sport Psychology in Research was written by Martin and two of his former undergraduate research assistants, now alumni, Alexis Stokes and Eleanor Cain. The article, led by Stokes delves into the factors that influenced the development of harmonious passion and obsessive passion among collegiate athletes. The article examines the ways in which athletes’ past sports experiences have contributed to the development of their current passion profiles, highlighting both similarities and differences in those with greater levels of harmonious passion and those with greater levels of obsessive passion.
Martin, as part of a research collaboration, published “Supporting Collegiate Students in the United States Through Athletic and Career Transitions” in the Journal of Sport Psychology in Action. This article examined the complex athletic and career transitions that student-athletes face when switching from competition to academic pursuits. The article aims to provide examples of how psychological support can support athlete mental well being during periods of change.