Lutana Haan is the College of Health Sciences’ first assistant dean. Haan is an associate professor and chair for the School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Respiratory Care. The assistant dean position is a half-time, allowing Haan to continue in her role as chair for respiratory care.
“We are so happy to have Lutana join the college’s administration team,” said Tim Dunnagan, dean of the College of Health Sciences. “Her years of experience in higher education, proven leadership attributes, and desire and ability to work collaboratively with individuals and groups made her the right fit for this position.”
Haan has a bachelor of science degree and a master of health science degree from Boise State. She is currently working on completing her doctorate in educational leadership at the University of New England in Portland, Maine. Haan is a Registered Respiratory Therapist and a Registered Polysomnographic Technician. Before coming to Boise State she worked in sleep medicine primarily diagnosing obstructive sleep apnea in the pediatric through geriatric populations.
Haan’s teaching and research interests include sleep medicine, high fidelity simulation and using mobile technology in the classroom and in clinical settings. Haan’s creativeness has involved her in several medical device innovation opportunities. She has collaborated with engineering students on the redesign of a crash cart that’s used in healthcare settings when advanced life support is needed. In early 2012 she filed her first patent application, titled “Flow-Inflating Face Mask Interface for Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation,” with Lonny Ashworth, professor for respiratory care, and Uwe Reischl, professor for the Department of Community and Environmental Health.
“We are a diverse college with a history of high-quality programs and, in my experience, we consistently take an innovative approach to the future,” said Haan. “I am proud to be a Bronco and especially proud to be part of the College of Health Sciences. I look forward to serving in this much-needed role to help continue growing and moving our college forward.”