The School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Community and Environmental Health has partnered with the Department of Psychological Science to compose the article, “A Formative Evaluation of Healthy Habits, Healthy U: A Collaborative School-Based Cancer Education Program” that has recently been published in the online Journal of Health Education Teaching.

The collaboration of authors came from both faculty and students. Authors include: Alicia Anderson, project coordinator for the School of Allied Health Sciences, Department of Community and Environmental Health, Caile Spear, professor for the School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Community and Environmental Health, Mary Pritchard, professor for the Department of Psychological Science, Kayla George, graduate of Psychology in May of 2016, Kyle Young, masters student of the School of Social Work and Carrie Smith, graduate of Math in May of 2016.

The article describes a study done on the program Healthy Habits, Healthy U (HHHU). HHHU is a collaborative educational program between St. Luke’s Mountain States Tumor Institute, Boise State University and the Boise School District. The program is designed to help students learn the strategies to reduce their risks of cancer and to inform about the impacts cancer has on the human body.

The study explained in the article evaluates the program’s ability to enlighten students at the junior high level about cancer prevention. The assessment focused on the ways students could identify prevention strategies through unhealthy habits, their understanding of what cancer is and how it develops, and lifestyle changes to decrease their chances of cancer.
The article outlines HHHU, the full study, results from the examination, and recommendations for the program based on the evaluation.
The full article can be found in the Journal of Health Education Teaching.